Sunday, February 26, 2017

Extra day in Bangkok

Yesterday was a fly day from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. The original itinerary was to be just a plane change and go on to Hanoi, Visa issues caused a change so we had a day to do nothing and I planned an all day trip to the Erawan National Park and a waterfall walk on our second day.

The park is about a 3 hour trip from Bangkok, but this was great for us because we had a chance to see some of the countryside.   We would have loved to do a few extra stops as Dan is dying to go into a Home Depot type store to "just look" or it might be an unidentified addiction since it has been 2 weeks since he has been in one. He would also like to wander around a plant nursery. We have several more towns to visit so perhaps he will get a chance in the near future.

Today's adventure was again a slight miscalculation on my part. I forgot that if you want to see the waterfall you have to get up to the falls portion. This was a series of 7 tiers each one getting to be steeper than the prior tier. The guide book said most people get to tier 3, we did make it to 4. Swimming was an option but there are "huge" fish in the pools at the bottom of each falls and I don't swim with the fish.  The amazing thing was that the water was actually quite warm which you would not expect of waterfalls

The park is amazingly clean and at the second tier there is a check station. You are not allowed to bring food past the second tier and if you bring a water bottle you have to pay a refundable deposit. This insures anything you bring in you will bring out. A great way to keep the park clean

Today's tour was just Dan and I. This is the norm in Asia unless you are booking a tour through a bigger company. Our guide for the day was Nes. She also works for another company that specializes in 2 week "adventure " type trips with trekking, hiking, and biking. I am sure she was surprised at the slow poke group she got today.  On the was back to Bangkok we stopped at the Bridge over the River Kwai. At this time they are still using the tracks but it is pretty much a tourist stop and photo opportunity.  We did not opt for the speed boat ride up the river.  There is a lot of WWII history in this part of Thailand.

We are back at the hotel and will pack tonight as our International flight leaves at 7AM tomorrow and we must check in 2 hours or more early.

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