Sunday, February 12, 2017

3 days to go!

Counting today I have three days to get everything done. This shouldn't be a problem since we are only going to be gone 9 weeks total. Last evening while putting in the itinerary I noticed the entire 9 weeks we will stay an average of 2 nights in each place, what was I thinking?  There will be no need to unpack. This trip will truly test our marriage as Dan hates the whole getting to the airport activity. He is okay once on the plane but the whole process before makes him nervous and irritated. Just think only 17 separate flights in the 9 weeks an average of 3 a week

We have had 2 small crisis in our trip and we haven't even left yet. First small bump was our Vietnam visa came in with the wrong dates. The solution was easy. Rebook our flight to Vietnam and change our hotel reservations, then pay double and get new reservations back in Bangkok. The next surprise came when I was collating our hotels and noticed I have a 2 night stay and no hotel...back to trip advisor.

Here's to the start of our next adventure



  2. So long as is isnt. I wanna go home 😃😃😃
