Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chiang Mai or how to part with US Dollars

Today we made arrangements to have a driver take us to other parts of Chiang Mai. We were in search of flowers and Dan wanted to find a teak wood screen for the garden.  The hotel we were at arranged a driver for the day and we are off.   First stop the "Royal Park". This large garden was created by the King 10 years ago and it is truly spectacular. Well laid out several beautiful green houses both cool and hot. Display gardens from other countries and big expanses of green.  There is a tram that travels around the entire garden. We spent 2 hours there and could have spent more.

The next stop was a teak furniture shop. It took lots of sign language picture drawings and a tape measure, bottom line more money than we planned although the piece would be beautiful probably not what the garden needs.  We then head back across town to an area of handicraft and touristy goods still looking for the screen.  Of course custom made is looking more like the answer.  I am still amazed that Dan is up for all this shopping.

Ice cream for lunch and our driver says you need to see a couple places.  The Thai silk factory. There is a 5 minute tour and they are still using wooden looms.  The little Thai ladies move the shuttle by flexing and bending their elbow all day. Working 40 hours a week, all I thought of was imagine the tendinitis, guess I haven't been away from work long enough.  Of course we needed to buy a piece of silk and plans to make a dress for Tali.

The last stop is Oriental Artifacts company.  This has possibilities for some fun garden artifact that could find a home inthe US. No artifacts but Dan all but purchased an area carpet of Thai silk. Thank goodness we like to mull over decisions and the high pressure sales after a bit of time become annoying.   This is only country one who knows what we will find in country four.

Our long day has produced an intact wallet; a very good thing.  We head to the front desk to get advise on what to do Saturday night in Chiang Mai. After much giggling at the front desk we were to cross two major roads and walk to the next street. I am not sure what were going to find but that was what we were to do on Saturday night. I was protesting since on our other nights out no one was attempting to cross this road and there are no traffic lights. We saw no one walking or crossing.

Low and behold it can be done. You just wait for cars to stop and dodge between them, the entire time praying no little motor scooter is whizzing by.  We complete this process and find a "street fair ". Great place, you can find anything from food to massages.  Thousands of stalls (or seemingly so) selling much the same and  many different items that I had never seen.  All the street food you can imagine

The amazing part of this trip has been Dan's ability to shop. Someone must've taken his body and left this "shopaholic " in it's place.

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