Sunday, February 19, 2017

On our own

We only had a guide for 1 day in Bangkok and I don't think we would have survived 2 days at the same pace. So after breakfast we had for the train. We had been there yesterday so felt comfortable. I learned how to operate the ticket machine. We had another errand and that was to find a pharmacy seems  seems I always bring everything and a back up of everything forgot his allergy medications. I guess he didn't think it would be a problem or it is still at home on the bathroom counter. We also want to find something to glue the crown back where it belongs. Good news is there is a "mall" across the street from where we need to go to visit the Jim Thompson house. There is also a pharmacy on the 4th floor of this particular mall. What we didn't realize was that the 4th floor housed the largest collection of electronics sellers in all of Asia   It is like a giagantic swap meet of retailers with each having a 5 x5 space and some a little more. All of these guys took lessons from the swap meet sellers in Mexico.  The quick trip to the pharmacy took 3-4 hours but then we head off to our planned destination.  Of course Dan's backpack is much heavier tha when we started the morning, and I am wondering why I bought a phone before we left on vacation it looks like I could have purchased an I phone 7 for about $170 dollars. You have to wonder if it will work in the US.

Our sense of direction turned us around and in typical Dan and Ellen fashion, we needed Dan's phone since he has internet and access to maps To go the 2 blocks. Enjoyed the garden at the house but was dismayed when we needed to take off our shoes to enter. I really didn't want to put them back on.

Back to the hotel. The plan is Happy Hour and dinner.  Dan isn't in to exploring and said he wants something he can identify (picture to follow). We even stayed up late 10PM considering our first 2 nights were 8 we felt like we were living dangerously.  I did mention going to one of Bangkok's Sky Bars and he just laughed at me and told me it is still happy hour

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of our dinner hike in Venice. I had your maps program worked better than mine.
