Saturday, February 25, 2017

A busy few days

We left Phuket and travelled to northern Thailand. Chiang Mai is base and we planned a day at the elephant sanctuary.  The elephant sanctuary's focus is on rescuing elephants that may have been mistreated or injured. It is a non profit organization and visits and elephant interaction can be as short as 4 hours or as long as a week.  We opted for a one day experience.

Our day started with preparing food for the 4 elephants our group was assigned. This consisted of washing and cutting up hundreds of pounds of watermelon.   We were then able to feed the elephants.  Our day also allowed us to walk to another camp and continue to hand feed them. Next up was bathing which consisted of throwing water onto the elephants which sometimes got the person standing on the other side of the elephants very wet when the bucket of water sailed over the elephant.

We then changed locations and went to the main park to see the baby elephant and observe some of the workings in the main part of the park. Our group consisted of 10 people and of  course Dan and I are the oldest. It makes you wonder

Technology wise I am still having issues with the blog and getting photos to upload. It seems one at a time is best

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