Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Countdown zero

So the last 2 days have been crazy busy. Completing all the trip details. Attempting to be paperless but poor Dan worries so we have an excel spread sheet of hotel stays and flights that was emailed to Brian and Scott so they will know immediately if we are hijacked or missing, of course Dan wanted us to have a hard copy so it is printed. The next data source is a "one note" file. My first experience and it came highly recommended. It is really pretty easy to use and that is why I found the missing hotel reservations. Which after 2 days still has not been confirmed. If all our data works I can call when we get to Thailand  the third place we have data stored is in my email and everyone knows how secure that is. Of course 2 electronic files and one skeleton file was not enough  and I spent the day printing confirmations.

Our last knob and we realize Dan's phone has no international access.  He was a little miffed last time so I promised him access this trip. So on the way to LAX I was on the phone with Verizon. Good thing we were driving as it took 60 minutes to pick up. All is good.  Through TSA precheck and found the gate and still have time for a glass of wine before we have to be at the gate. Well we head to the gate for our midnight flight tomorrow we will be in Bangkok

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