Friday, March 31, 2017

Yes we should have packed the umbrellas

Today the highlight of the trip for many China travelers. A trip to the Great Wall. It seems the weather gods were working against us and the weather turned cold and rainy. We did have the discussion at home before leaving on weather to pack the umbrellas. Of course Dan's wisdom, we shouldn't need them since we have rain coats with hoods. Against my better judgement umbrellas remained at home, and Dan also told me he took out all his long sleeve shirts. I am unclear why he chose to do that something about not having enough room for 1 or 2 more shirts.

Off to the Great Wall in the fog and rain. We had a stop before the wall and determined that our jackets with a hood will not be sufficient. We should have discussed this in the hotel since there were umbrellas to borrow. The good news is there were plenty of people selling them at the wall. So the little sales person wanted $150 yuan which is $22 US. I am ready to do it since it is foggy, rainy and misty. A fellow traveler not from our group walks by and states she just sold one for $60 yuan. Hold out.  I find it hard to believe that shop keepers will bargain but everyone bargains in China. I already posted Great Wall photos.

We meet after hiking up the wall at the coffee shop and another chance to shop since it is attached to another souvenir shop. Although this is an upscale shop. Bartering begins when I locate a bedspread that would work on our bed.   Good news is we save the $$$ since on final measurement it would have been too small.

The bedspread remains a continued search. Although we do have an umbrella 🌂

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