Thursday, March 16, 2017

Singapore. It would be perfect if you could afford it

Well, now for the Singapore update. Great city, clean, and new. In 5 days we saw a total of 4 scooters quite the change from Cambodia and Vietnam. These days were to be respite days and they lived up to expectations.  We spent a full day at the Botanical garden and one at the garden by the bay. We walked although Singaporeans don't walk but use rapid transit

The city is unbelievable clean and green with trees everywherea. Yes it is hot and humid but air conditioning in buildings works perfectly. Everyone speaks English although accents are a little strong.   The city is also relatively new with skyscrapers yet mixed with old pagodas and temples. Areas of the city have ethnic origins as in little India and China town.

We found the city expensive regarding food and entertainment but everyone is okay with credit cards. The city is extremely safe and the subway and trains are clean with wide aisles. What I noticed was that hand hold D rings were actually lower so you could bend your elbow when holding.   There seemed to be no litter anywhere and it was nice to be able to drink water out of the tap (great for teeth brushing).

There doesn't seem to be mosquitoes so my bird are healing. The airport was amazingly quiet as we went through customs. Recycling is expected. Tipping is not although we do still tip.

We did make it to the casino. You needed to clear security before entering and Dan wasn't able to bring in his backpack it needed to be checked. The upside I won $116 on the 2 penny slots which was enough for drinks and appetizers at the sky bar on the 57th floor of the local hotel with a great view.

On the way to China as I write so will send this to the blog now

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