Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cambodia no need to convert to local currency

The trip from Saigon to Siem Reap is uneventful. The most interesting thing is we were the last into the terminal to get to immigration and a customs agent comes up to us and says "all is in order, you don't have to wait"; then the next statement is "what will you give me?"  Of course I claim no money since I haven't been to the ATM to get local currency not realizing that Cambodia uses pretty much USD which I had some and I get a dirty look and told to wait in line. It seems they all share the $$$, not sure what would have been enough.  Probably could have gotten the Visas the same way.  We are not the most savvy travelers.  The Siem Reap airport is tiny and consistent with all of Vietnam that you have to walk across the tarmac and up stairs to get into the plane.

Our hotel is located between the town of Siem Reap and Angkor Wat Complex. It is a small boutique Hotel so no over the top amenities but a homey quiet atmosphere. Oh room rate included airport pickup and return, daily cooked to order breakfast, a 1 hour massage for both of us, and use of TukTuk and driver any time we wanted to go anywhere.  The hotel was $112 a night, including all taxes. The hotel did get us a guide for 2 days to take us to the temple complexes.

Our guide Suktai was 37, unmarried, and had lived with the Monks from the time he was 11.  He guides during the day to the temples and at night guides a Vespa motor scooter food tour.  We did get the impression that he had more fun doing the Vespa tours. We found prices in Cambodia to be higher than in both Thailand and Vietnam since they use the USD.  He did share that we would only be able to work 1-3 days a week or less after the 14th because all of the tourists will stop visiting Cambodia and guides only work about 4 months a year.

Besides the temples we did a trip to the post office to mail the second box home. It was a good decision since Singapore is a whole different economic profile.   We found the Cambodian people extremely polite, and willing to assist you with whatever you need.  Our guide and driver became over cautious with me after I tripped and fell. Tripping is common for me but I really. Did a 3 point landing this time and it was on a flat surface not climbing stairs or getting up and down.  Maybe it pays to be clumsy I am getting lots more help getting up and down stairs.

On day 2 we visited the Angkor Wat complex.  We got there before the sun was up to see it rise above the towers. I gave my camera to Suktai and he was the official photographer. He has such a great eye and knows how to get some amazing shots.  I will post here even though they were posted on Facebook (sorry for the repeat).  We saw 7 temple complexes and each one was different and had its own special character.  I do recommend that this trip should have been done when we were much younger. Dan and I have probably missed some of the experiences because age and fear slows are stair climbing and keeps us off scooters.

Our hotel in Cambodia is like a tropical oasis, everything in the dining area is open, 2 pools and lots of greenery we have had time to use the pool and get the free massage in addition a trip to both the night and day markets. Dan is still hesitant to eat at food vendors so we have made due at the hotel. I think some nights we were the only ones having dinner there. We are not the "crazy" party people, but have shown up to happy hour.  There is a marginally drinkable wine at the hotel,  but overall forget wine in Asia.

I will finally close this post by mentioning that the sellers in the market are the most tenacious. Everything is done in USD and they will type the amount into a calculator and show you the results then the fun begins.  They even hang onto your arm and give you another chance for your "best price" which is really more than you really think you should be paying especially when the number is in dollars.  I will post pictures and then update you on Singapore which is our respite days.

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