Sunday, March 26, 2017

Maybe I can blog after all

Currently at the 3 gorges dam. I haven't been able to load blogger yet but it looks like I now have access.  Maybe it was just Beijing that locked me out.  We have been on a tour for 10 days 9 for us. There are 41 people, all old like us but everyone is from the US. Lots of people from Florida and New York   A great mixed group. Many of these people are Grand Circle repeaters. I am not sure if we will be.  It is strange to walk into accommodations and know nothing about the location of the hotel or the amenities.

I did attempt to write in a journal but I don't seem to have the stick to it ability. I will attempt to update my faithful followers on how things are in China  and post more pictures. Just so you have the count straight 9 days and no pit toilets of course I have been bladder retraining.

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