Monday, April 17, 2017

The Last Leg

I compose as we travel by high speed train back to Tokyo. We will see our 3rd Disney park this trip and head home in 2 more days. We are both ready and I think we would have enjoyed Japan a little more if we were not so fatigued with travel and physically a little better.

Dan cold symptoms became worse so back to the pharmacy. Using google translate he would need to see a MD to get an antibiotic. After thinking over the situation I decided to give him our "gi" antibiotic. This seemed to work and he has been back to his normal baseline coughing. Of course he gave me the pink eye and now I am coughing but as we head back to Tokyo I am doing better

That is the health update now for the trip update. We were almost on the wrong train. Right track right time but we were scheduled for the express not the local. Good thing someone was in the seat as I started to argue. The lady in front looked at my ticket and told us wrong train. It was a lesson in reading the ticket correctly and realizing that Japan has trains leaving for the same place sometimes every 5-10 minutes    As we head back to Tokyo we will stop by the hotel we stayed at seems Dan left a pair of shoes. Of course we had to have help calling the hotel since Dan's SIM card you have free calls but everyone thinks you are Japanese and if you get a telephone tree you can listen to the entire message and still can't pick an option so it cuts you off. The good news is they do have the shoes.

We are able to see many of the sites in Hiroshima but found it impossible to get out of the train station of course we had the same problem in Tokyo and Kyoto. All the big stations have several floors and include tracks for train,subways and several different lines including long distance and local, a department store or two, a food court, ticket counters, and other various stores to serve the traveler including fast food.

This train ride we are in the first car and you really have the sensation of speed. The train is the fastest in Japan. On other trips our seats were in a middle car so there was no sensation of speed.  If thee were dips and curves it would equal an amusement ride.
I will close this entry and add a few more photos then update you on our hotel in Kyoto and Disney before we head home

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