Thursday, April 6, 2017

Terra Cotta Warriors and a noodle lunch

We are off to see the Warriors in the rain. It is amazing that they were able to piece together these life sized soldiers from rubble. It is still a work in progress but the government has constructed 4 separate buildings and work by the archeologists continues. The grounds surrounding the area is like most of China that we have been shown; beautifully landscaped with flowering trees and shrubs.   Roadsides and highways are landscaped in a similar fashion. There are gardeners to tend all these areas. After lunch we had noodle lunch with hand made noodles in a broth with scallions and other vegetables

After lunch it's off to a lacquerware manufacturer. It is an interesting and time consuming process. The upside nothing caught our eye so my charge card is safe for a few more days. Dan did spend the visit talking to one of the other tour members about woodworking. Seems as though he has an enormous shop including computerized equipment

The final stop for the day was a small community school. The tour company supports the school with donations and part of each tour booked. We visited a 6th grade classroom and interacted with the children during their 10 minute recess. Each student must pay tuition and teachers salaries are $800 a month and many months they are not paid the entire salary only 60%.  The children only have to go to school until 9th grade and if the family can't afford tuition the children don't go at all

China's social structure requires people to remain in the area they were born in otherwise there is no healthcare and children can't go to school because they are not registered if the family moves.   More later when I can explain as it is hard to do that while typing.

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